International Organization for Biological Control
Neotropical Regional Section
NTRS-IOBC Newsletter
The IOBC-NTRS Newsletter is published biannually, and is considered one of the best ways to foster communication and the circulation of hard to find information among members. The information provided in the IOBC-NTRS Newsletter can be used for anyone once a clear reference to the IOBC-NTRS is made.
The IOBC-NTRS Newsletter is edited by Dr. María Gabriela Luna (CEPAVE. La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina), who eagerly seeks for information and greatly appreciate your contribution. Please, feel free to send Dr. Luna any information regarding to scientific meetings, courses or related activities in your country involving biological control. Information on the publication of books, bulletins, dissertation and thesis summaries, research projects under development, are all welcome. Please, send us your information, so it can be shared with other IOBC members.